Sunday, February 15, 2015

Iron Sky (2012)

Directed by Timo Vuorensola
Written by Jarmo Puskala, Johanna Sinisalo, Michael Kalesniko and Tim Vuorensola
Starring Julia Dietze, Christopher Kirby, Götz Otto and Peta Sergeant

In 1945, the Allies of World War II defeated the Nazi's. But what they didn't realize is that some of the most prominent members of the National Socialist Party (including Hitler) traveled to the dark side of the moon and started an Aryan space colony. When an American astronaut is caught by them in 2018, it sets forth a plan for the Nazi's to return and take over the planet.

Sometimes as an avid movie watcher, you just get tired of watching heavy movies. They ware you down. So during those times, you seek out the most ridiculous movie you can find. Some ways you can search for movies like this are the topic you feel like watching, then adding the word "space".

This movie is so gleefully terrible and ridiculous that I'm pretty sure the script only had two words over and over again. "Space Nazis. Space Nazis. Space Nazis". Complete with a Sarah Palin-esque president, a black man that is turned white with Nazi science, a beautiful blond woman, Zeppelin shaped space ships and references to the German film "Downfall".

Nazi science? Did he say Nazi science?

If you go into this movie expecting anything other than absurdness, you will hate it. And this is not a good movie at all. But if you go in with the right mind, you will enjoy it for it's silliness. The only thing missing from it is a Nazi riding a T-Rex.

Which WILL be in the sequel!!!

My Rating: 2/10 (But in a good way)

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