Sunday, February 15, 2015

Oscar Best Picture Nominee: Boyhood

With the Oscars coming up in a little over a week, I decided I would take these next few days to discuss my opinions of the Best Picture Nominees.

Written and Directed by Richard Linklater
Starring Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke and Lorelei Linklater

Formally known as "The 12 Year Project", "Boyhood" is a groundbreaking film in which Richard Linklater told the story of a boy growing up by using the same actors and filming a little bit each year to show the highlights of his life at each age.

I'm not going to lie to you guys. Some of you will not like this movie. I could sit here and say it's because you won't understand it, but that's simply not true. I have heard from others that they felt this film was slow-moving and uneventful, and I completely see where they are coming from. But I have to disagree.

While the image above is the main reason why I believe this film deserves every bit of attention it is getting, I also believe that it is a story every single one of us can relate to. Man or woman. At the surface it doesn't feel like much, but when you really dig deep into your own past you can truly connect with Mason. His growth as a person, every single person reading this has dealt with that. The struggle to really find your identity and figure out who you want to become.

It gives us such an impressive and immersive look into how we are all in control of our own destiny. Every decision we make affects the outcome of our lives. And whether that gives you solace or anxiety is up to you. Personally, it gives me solace. And the three hours of this movie go by smoothly and seems like less time than that.

I will not promise to everyone that you will love this movie. I know for a fact some of you might not even get through it. What I can promise you is a film like nothing you have ever seen before. And while you might not be able to connect with every aspect of Mason's life, I guarantee that there is something in there that is a little piece of you. Watch this movie!

My Rating: 9.5/10

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