Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oscar Best Picture Nominee: The Imitation Game

With the Oscars coming up in a little over a week, I decided I would take these next few days to discuss my opinions of the Best Picture Nominees.

"The Imitation Game"
Directed by Morten Tyldum
Written by Graham Moore (Screenplay) and Andrew Hodges (Novel)
Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode and Mark Strong

Based on the true story of Alan Turing and the invention of his machine that would break the enigma code that the German's used in WWII. The machine is widely considered to have helped a great deal in defeating the Nazi's by breaking their code.

Truly an incredible story of a world wide hero, this film has another, more humanitarian message. Alan Turing was openly homosexual and was for lack of a better word, betrayed by the country he worked for and saved with his life's work.

Accused of indecency for being homosexual and a teacher, Turing was given a choice. To be given hormones that would affect his health and chemically castrate him, or jail, where he would surely be beaten, raped and possibly killed for being homosexual.

Impeccably acted, scored, directed and written, "The Imitation Game" is a strong contender in this years Oscars. It is also, arguably one of the most important films nominated this year for it's civil rights subplot. It brings awareness to how poorly this man was treated. A man who saved millions of lives by breaking the German code and shortening the war significantly, chemically castrated and driven into a depression leading to his suicide for the inconsequential fact of his sexual orientation. It is truly a powerful film.

My Rating: 9/10

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