Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Area 51 (2015)

Directed by Oren Peli
Written by Christopher Denham and Oren Peli
Starring Reid Warner, Darrin Bragg, Ben Rovner and Jelena Nik

Three young conspiracy theorists attempt to uncover the mysteries of Area 51, the government's secret location rumored to have hosted encounters with alien beings. What they find at this hidden facility exposes unimaginable secrets.

With a weak and cliched opening, the first twenty minutes felt like unnecessary character development that only hurt the movie. With the introduction of three "bros" who say "dude" way more than they should, you immediately begin to hate everything about these characters, thus rendering the next 70-80 minutes the most annoying 70-80 minutes in recent memory.

One of the characters just keeps complaining the whole time and when they finally ask him why he's there he doesn't give an answer. His character is entirely useless. The main character-- or the character who seems to be the most interested in the mission, makes really dumb choices, like refusing to leave a house they had broken into when the owner gets home. He seems to forget that THIS IS NOT A TIME SENSITIVE MATTER!!!

They come up with all of these security measures that Area 51 is apparently armed with, yet in one of the most secure bases in the country, they don't have security cameras and people watching those cameras? 7-11's have more security cameras than this depiction of Area 51 has.

Also, there security guards are only trained in seeing heat. Not human shaped objects.

Perhaps this films worst offense (next to being made) is how much it drags. It takes so long for anything to happen and it's not suspenseful. It's just three guys and occasional one woman being really annoying. That mixed with there terrible way it's filmed (it's the first movie to give me headaches, including other found footage films), create for an overall terrible 90 minute experience.

And this complaint is more about Area 51 conspiracy theorists than it is the movie. Who cares if they're lying? It has nothing to do with your life! You are obsessing over something that literally does not matter and the day that the government finally comes out and says "you were right", nothing will change. Except you might have an alien friend. Which is cool and all, but focus on what you have, not what you don't have, man! It makes for better movies.

My Rating: 3/10

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