Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Furious Seven (2015)

Directed by James Wan
Written by Chris Morgan, based on the characters by Gary Scott Thompson
Starring Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson and Michelle Rodriguez

Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.

Ludacris is not just the name of an actor in this movie. It is also the single most correct word to describe it. Ludicrous. Physics? Thrown out the window, along with the cares of everyone involved. But it achieves the most important thing when it comes to action movies. It is fun as hell.

Filled with laughable one liners and scenes of terrible etiquette (i.e. Vin Diesel wearing a wife-beater to his wedding when his bride wore a gown. Apparently he didn't get the "formal memo"), the movie has more explosions and gun shots than it does lines of dialogue, and that is perfectly fine.

Yeah. Bring the army to your home town and let them destroy it. Good plan.

From a human standpoint, the tribute to Paul Walker was great. But from a film standpoint, not so much. It felt more like the actors saying goodbye (which it was) than it did the charters (which it should have been). There was nothing about the way Paul's character arc ended that signified his team should have been sad. It's like being sad that your friend got out of a war zone alive and wasn't going to be shot at anymore. It didn't make sense.

This movie is not good. The film snob in me can't allow me to say that. However, I enjoyed the crap out of it, regardless of it's terribleness. It was a high octane thrill ride worthy of the big screen. But I'm sorry Mr. Diesel, if that is your real name! (It's not. It's Mark Sinclair) This movie will win no awards worth mentioning.

My Rating: 5/10
Enjoyment Rating: 7/10

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