Thursday, March 26, 2015

Get Hard (2015)

Directed by Etan Cohen
Written by Jay Martel, Ian Roberts,  Etan Cohen and Adam McKay
Starring Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart, Alison Brie and Craig T. Nelson

When millionaire James King is nailed for fraud and bound for San Quentin, he turns to Darnell Lewis to prep him to go behind bars. What is to follow is a chaotic, hard fought battle to learn how not to get raped while in a maximum security prison.

With the controversy that claims racial themes following this movie, I was curious to see what all the fuss was about. But what I found did not surprised me. Of course it's racist! It's supposed to be. It's a satire for how disillusioned and prejudice some rich white people are. Come one, guys! This isn't first grade!

This entire film is meant to show how ignorant and presumptuous Will Ferrell's character is when it comes to the working class of Hispanics and black people. It spells it out from the get-go, but apparently this country has become too politically correct to understand that satire is used for good, not evil!

Pictured: A cut scene from the acclaimed mini-series "Roots"

With many modern comedies, there is an epidemic of movie trailers showing all of the funny parts and leaving nothing for the movie. This has the opposite problem. For myself, at least, I saw advertisements for this movie so often, that the parts in the trailers became overplayed and unfunny. However, it is filled with several other humorous moments, but due to the over marketing, I left feeling the same way I would if the only funny parts were in the trailer… I realize, writing this out, that that may sound crazy, but I know what I'm trying to say… So, shut up!

How I probably sound to you.

Regardless of this fact, the comedic chemistry between Ferrell and Hart is wonderful and provides many hilarious scenes. The juxtaposition of the two clashing cultures creates an unlikely duo that learn to focus on their similarities rather than their differences. Despite what critics may say, it has a pretty good message if you choose to look at it like that. Or you can look at it like it's an attack on the culture of impoverished people and be angry. It's your choice.

My Rating: 6/10

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