Thursday, March 12, 2015

Haunt (2013)

Directed by Mac Carter
Written by Andrew Barrer
Starring Harrison Gilbertson, Liana Liberato, Jacki Weaver and Ione Skye

An introvert teen befriends his new neighbor, and together the couple begin to explore the haunted house that his family has just purchased. Soon they discover that the stories about the house weren't the complete truth.

This was quite possibly the most unoriginal horror movie I have ever seen. Even down to the title screen, which was an obvious rip-off of the "Insidious" style. It is filled with every cliche in the book. Scenes that could potentially be suspenseful and creepy are ruined with sharp sounds and quick cuts. And every single plot point can be seen coming from a mile away.

The writing and acting were absolutely terrible. Even twice Oscar-nominated Jacki Weaver seemed to be trying her best William Shatner impression, making unnecessary pauses and inflections that made her performance laughable.


All of the characters were dumb, even by horror movie standards. They seemed to have no concept of what was going on and asked all of the wrong questions. Then, on their first try to stop the ghost from possessing the house, they were more confident than the Seattle Seahawks opting to throw in the last minute of play with only one yard to go in the Superbowl.


The only likable character in the whole movie is the ghost that is killing people. She seems to have a good attitude about her situation and is just trying to make the best of it. Can't blame her, really. They all had it coming.

My Rating: 1/10

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