Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Chumscrubber (2005)

Directed by Arie Posin
Written by Arie Posin and Zac Stanford
Starring Jamie Bell, Camilla Belle, Justin Chatwin and Glen Close

A teenager discovers the body of his friend who has committed suicide and doesn't bother telling anyone because he knows that all of his neighbors prefer ignoring reality in favor of their own, self-medicated fantasies.

Perhaps it's the picturesque American neighborhood that this film take place in. Or perhaps it's all of the adults who are self-absorbed and couldn't give their children the time of day. But many themes in this movie remind me of "American Beauty".

Filled with unreputable, despicable,  narcissistic adult characters, this film copies reality and multiplies it by a million the way so many teenagers feel ignored and therefore act out. But at the very basic theme of the movie is one young man trying his best to grieve in a world that he believes won't let him.

It is a story that we may not all be able to relate to the specifics, but we certainly can all related to the feeling of not being heard. Or thinking that no one cares enough to listen in a world where everyone looks out only for themselves. At it's very core, that is what many people experience in their teenage year.

I may very well be sounding incoherent throughout this entire review. Frankly, I'm still trying to figure out what this film was. It's so much deeper than I thought it would be that I was not prepared for it. What I can tell you is that it was infuriating, funny, heartwarming and satisfying all at the same time. It is definitely one that I will be thinking about for quite some time. But I do know I loved it.

My Rating: 8/10

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